Wednesday 29 May 2013

A tad damp!

After our sojourn sitting out the rain yesterday, today we saw Cropredy as our goal.  This is a pleasant run, normally.

After more heavy rain overnight, by morning it seemed to be clearing although the low cloud persisted. There was ner a breath of wind and we and Lady E left our mooring at 9 am. First stop was Fenny Compton, where we filled the water tank (long queue so Dave and Angie sped ahead) and Dave topped up with fuel. £1,49 a litre. sheer robbery.

After that we had a somewhat slow meander down the route of the old tunnel, before hitting the first lock.  There was another queue! We were now behind a Viking afloat hire boat.  Their system was to say the least, slow and Dave and Angie were soon well ahead of us.

The sky did not noticeably darken, but it did begin to rain. Light at first, then it started to persist it down.  By the time we hit the lock above Cropredy, we were more than ready for a stop. Dave and Angie got into Cropredy and it was full!  It would not have been if every other boat had not moored with half a boat lengh between them. I saw one spot where I thought by reversing in we could shame the chap sitting in the cratch to offer to pull back, or let us pull him back, but he studiously ignored us. What a selfish person, or words to that effect!

We descended the final lock of the day, Where along with Lady E, we managed to squeeze in, but I do mean squeeze!  Not ideal moorings, but they will do.  Off to sample the Brasenose arms tonight. Hope the food is good, we are all bloody starving!  Hollywood showers seemed to pick us up though.

Miles  8
Locks  9

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